Oct 07, 2024
WWAY TV Events - Shen Yun - WWAYTV3WWAYTV3They drew courage and inspiration from their shared practice of Falun Dafa (or “Falun Gong,” as it is also called)—a spiritual discipline common to ...
Sociology Experiment - Daily KosDaily KosMax Planck (Planck's constant), Irwin Schrödinger (the famous thought experiment cat both alive and dead at the same time) , and Werner Heisenberg ...
Cadillac to go it alone? - Pitpass.comPitpassCadillac to go it alone? NEWS STORY 06/10/2024. Veteran motorsport journalist suggests that Cadillac could enter F1 without Andretti. In the wake ...
Election disinformation - LAistLAistNew research shows Latinos are being bombarded with political misinformation from both sides of the aisle. Local advocates are encouraging residents ...
Blocktober Bash | 94HJY - iHeart94HJY - iHeartQueens of the Stone Age at MGM Music Hall at Fenway · Sarah Silverman at The Vets · The Black Crowes at Mohegan Sun · All Contests & Promotions ...
A New Kind of Kirk | Desiring GodDesiring GodThe Haldanes' ministry was the Scottish equivalent of the Second Great Awakening. Their father, James Haldane, was a Scot with an ancestral estate ...
Julian Assange speaks - The EchoThe EchoHe explained that while President Obama commuted the sentence of the WikiLeaks source, Chelsea Manning, President Trump's 'two wolves in MAGA hats', ...
Jewish Lives Matter - spikedSpikedIt was a revolutionary uprising by Jews, leftists and workers against the threat posed by the British Union of Fascists. The BUF was founded by Oswald ...
The Jenrick delusion - SpikedSpikedSimon Evans – spiked columnist and stand-up comic – joins Tom Slater and Fraser Myers for the latest episode of the spiked podcast.
Our Lady of the Rosary - AleteiaAleteiaA seminarian for the archdiocese of Oviedo, Spain, he was martyred during the anti-Catholic violence of the Spanish Civil War on October 7, 1934.
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